Seattle 9/8 - Day one

Today I left LA for a vacation in Seattle and Lacy Washington and then Victoria Canada.  I have decided to blog daily about the stuff the happens.  You may or man not think it is funny or even interesting but hey, the url for this blog is not called entertain you...middle child rambling. Let the rambling begin.

Today started of so nicely.  I woke up late around 9am, it was so nice to sleep in.  After a brief shower I went about cleaning the kitchen and putting the finish touches on my suitcase.  With everything done I just sat on the couch and relaxed waiting for my uncle to pick me up.  Nacho decided to lay on me and not let me go, but to his dismay I was going no matter what.  About 11:20am (10 mins before my uncle was supposed to show up I realized that I had text him the wrong address.  As I retext him and sat and waited.  About 10 mins later the doorbell rang.  Two of the three dogs at the house today go crazy and Nacho runs away.  There is my uncle and he tells me he has been knocking and ringing the bell at my neighbors house for a few minutes.  HAHA good thing they were not home today.  Well off to my parents house to pick them up.  Car is packed and we are on our way to the Long Beach Airport.  We get there at 12:15 pm...did I mention that our flight was not until 2:10pm? Yes, we are very early, and well this airport is like the size of my house.  HAHA.  Actually they have a GREAT restaurant there. I had the yummiest salad for lunch.  Apple and Spicy Chicken salad.  It had blue cheese crumbles, sliced apples, candied sweet pecans and spicy chicken. Huge but so good, I of course at it all....did you really think I wouldn't.  We headed to the gate after the great lunch.  When I say "gate" it is more like a holding room.  The Long Beach airport is so tiny that you actually board the plane like the old days. You walk out of the terminal and unto the tarmat to board the plane.  We got to board in the rear. HAHAHAHAHAHA that is all I will say.  I love Jetblue, each chair has it's own TV.  Over the 2 hour trip I watched the food network, Sanford and Son as well as All on the Family.  I laughed so much and well if you know me you know my laugh...enough said. 

We landed at 4:30pm, got our luggage and headded to get our rental car.  This felt like a YEAR to get it.  We get on the elevator my dad presses 3 because he swear he say it say one floor down and I see it says one the first floor.  LOL so we just sit there and argue.  I won. So we head to the garage to get our rental car and the comedy of errors begins.  Find the car was easy, getting out of the parking structure not so much! As we try to leave, my dad starts going well then all of a sudden we are driving down the wrong way and a car is heading for us.  He makes the change and goes the right way and comes to a dead end.  He then starts driving THROUGH the parking spots to find the way out.  He thinks he's got it and well nope.  Finally he is going towards a sign that says exit and he realized he is still going the wrong way (did I mention he blasted through a stop sigh) is yaking at him to do xyz, he is flustered and I say "who cares, they are not going to give you a ticket for going the wrong way in a parking sturcture just go forward there is the exit.  Woo Hoo after 10 mins we are out of the structure and on the way to the hotel...right?  

We start off driving and the GPS machine says go right, so we go right.  As we are driving I start thinking hmm really this seems to be a not such a great place.  Then the best thing happens and "she" the  gps machine says at the next light turn right, then turn right.  A few seconds later she says at the next block turn right.  YES, you got it we are driving in cirlces.  :-)  Finally heading the right way to the hotel, I think.  So now that we are on the freeway and quietly the GPS says very quietly turn right now.  This is of course while we are in the middle lane and have NO way to get to the turning lane.  After the "discussion" of why we did not turn right when she told us, I say "Um she will recalculate..we'll be fine just turn up her volume and roll up the window so we can hear her."  LOL.  Did I mention that it is sunny and 84 here, very pretty. 

We finaly make it to the hotel is so nice. As we are relaxing my Uncle Jeff calls and said he's landed and wants to go to dinner with us.  So he need driections on how to get here.  Let me just remind you on how long it took us to get here.  Lol You should hear my Dad giving my Uncle directions to our hotel. Priceless, if he gets here I'll be amazed. There were 3 calls and each one said no you are going the wrong way, do this.  HAHA Well he found it, but now my parents can't find the room keys, mom's glasses, and the car keys. This is awesome they should be glad they brought me. So my mom says she already gave my dad the room keys and he says I don't have them, she insists she gave them to him as she is walking around looking for her glasses (you know the ones she laid on the table next the chair she is sitting in).  Then my mom is going through her purse looking for her glasses and finds the rooms keys, my dad says that does not look like you handed them to me now does it.  HAHA She turns around and I hand her the glasses she is looking for and we leave the room.  Awe getting old must be great!

Dinner was AWESOME, we went to The Keg steakhouse and bar.  The food was so great and they had a gluten free menu so the are 5 stars in my opinion.  We start thinking about wine and my parents want white and Jeff and I want red.  Not sure if we can drink 2 whole bottles of wine my parents say let's go with just by the cup.  I, of course, say you two can drink a whole bottle it is only 2 glasses each, and so can we.  HAHA leave it to me.  Needless to say the four of us did not need any help finishing the wine.  

What a great day!  I am having such a great time and can't wait to see the wedding couple tomorrow and spend more time with my uncle.  I love them so much. 

Remember if it is unladylike, fattening or fun, it must be good for you!

Ta ta for now

Happy 11:11 all


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