Emontional detachment

It refers to an "inability to connect" with others emotionally or it is a type of "mental assertiveness" that allows people to maintain their boundaries and psychic integrity when faced with the emotional demands of another person or group of persons.  Know anyone like this?  I do not have this ability at all, not even close.  I even cry for people I don't know if they are happy, sad, having an emotional moment like childbirth or weddings, anything. 

I've always wondered if these people have more anxiety then they people that can and do show their emotions.  Do you think that if you do not attach yourself emotionally life is easier or harder?  I wonder if it is lonely to be like that or if you just get used to never really connecting to people.  OR is the inability to connect with others something you can turn of and on depending on the people around you and if you want to connect with them?  Now that my friends I think is the best question.  Are any of you like this? Being "mentally assertive" sound tiring. 

The next question is, if you run across someone like this in life how do you deal with them.  Do you just act like they are like all your other friends and ramble (as I always do) about your life and let them put up the barriers or do you recognize this in the person and keep them at arms length so you don't get attached to them and get hurt?  Can you even tell what this person looks like?  Do they have a look to them? Job type in common?  Haircut in common?  Do they wear the same robes around town?

Exactly you can't tell them from anyone else, so you just have to love them just like you love everyone else. Love like it is going out of style. When you do figure it out, you may even be able to help them over come this "inability" or "mental assertiveness" BUT if not remember they a human too, they need love too...they just might not be able to give you back what you need in return.


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