
So the other day my cousin and I were on our way home from San Diego and I was telling her that when I walk down the street of downtown LA and I see the little Hispanic magazine stands I always think of Grandma and her Spanish magazines.  Natalie said "People in Espanol?"  I said no she had another one too, it was called something like hmmm I think it was MIERDA.  Natalie sat there for a few seconds and then started dying laughing.  She says " Grandma read a magazine called "shit".  For the next 20 minutes we went along the 405 freeway and we cried laughing and going on an on about crap.  How the magazine was the number one seller.  That the pictures and stories were so well written.  We went back and forth and laughed until we could not breath.

Hmmm I guess you had to be there.  :-)  Hey Natalie...Mierda!!!!!!!!!

Remember if it is unladylike, fattening or fun, it must be good for you!

Ta ta for now


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