Nacho's heartbreak
So as you all remember Nacho got out a few days ago. For those 9 hours of "freedom" he managed to hookup with a hot little white and gray number. She is a cutie, I'll give him that. I guess I have figured out why he tried to attack me when I was trying to bring him home.
Now every single night and well all day as well I get to hear Nacho whine. When I say I whine I mean whine. He cries all day by the back door, just under the doggie door. Yes, we have lived her for over 2 years and he has never tried to use the door. He has stuck his head out once with Denali, but never tried to leap out. God willing he never will. But with all this crying and heartbreak for that Hot white and gray number to the left, who knows what will happen. No that is not an actual pic but she looks exactly like that. So now every night when we are heading to bed, I have to open the bathroom window so that Nacho can sit in the windowsill and sing out and talk to his estranged girlfriend. No I'm not talking about a midnight serenade, I am talking about a midnight, two AM, three AM, Four AM need I go on? He jumps in and out of bed all night long. Crying on and on. Jumping from bed to bathroom window to bedroom window. He even looks at me and just lets out a loud moaning cry MEEEOOOWWW. Looking up at me like he is begging me to let him out. How sad! I am responsible for my cat's broken heart. What kind of pet owner am I? My poor poor cat. But hey Nach, hate to break it to you but YOU ARE NOT GOING OUTSIDE AGAIN, so unless you can talk your lady friend into coming into the house through the dog door you will have to deal with having your love affair through the bathroom window.
Remember if it is unladylike, fattening or fun, it must be good for you!
Ta ta for now

Now every single night and well all day as well I get to hear Nacho whine. When I say I whine I mean whine. He cries all day by the back door, just under the doggie door. Yes, we have lived her for over 2 years and he has never tried to use the door. He has stuck his head out once with Denali, but never tried to leap out. God willing he never will. But with all this crying and heartbreak for that Hot white and gray number to the left, who knows what will happen. No that is not an actual pic but she looks exactly like that. So now every night when we are heading to bed, I have to open the bathroom window so that Nacho can sit in the windowsill and sing out and talk to his estranged girlfriend. No I'm not talking about a midnight serenade, I am talking about a midnight, two AM, three AM, Four AM need I go on? He jumps in and out of bed all night long. Crying on and on. Jumping from bed to bathroom window to bedroom window. He even looks at me and just lets out a loud moaning cry MEEEOOOWWW. Looking up at me like he is begging me to let him out. How sad! I am responsible for my cat's broken heart. What kind of pet owner am I? My poor poor cat. But hey Nach, hate to break it to you but YOU ARE NOT GOING OUTSIDE AGAIN, so unless you can talk your lady friend into coming into the house through the dog door you will have to deal with having your love affair through the bathroom window.
Remember if it is unladylike, fattening or fun, it must be good for you!
Ta ta for now
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